August 2019

Heaven Part 1

July 2019

Judging: Perspective Matters

Worry: The Rust Corroding Our Faith

June 2019

What about the Law? Part 3

We have been looking at the mission of Jesus and what he has been revealing concerning our relationship to the Law. In his teaching, he is clear that the Law is our guide to healthy relationships. The Law reveals our sinful nature and that we cannot meet even the basic requirements without fault. Jesus reveals […]

May 2019

What About The Law? Part 2

Text: Matthew 5:21-26, 22:37-40   The whole of the law and the prophets can be summarized by one word – relationships. First with God, 2nd with our neighbors, 3rd with animals, and 4th with our environment. In our passage today, Jesus illustrates that the key to loving God and our neighbor begins in the mind […]

The Attitudes of Relationship Part 2

Continuing to look at the key attitudes Jesus is looking for in His people.

April 2019

Introduction to the Sermon On The Mount

The sermon on the mount is the longest sermon of Jesus recorded in the Scripture. In it Jesus describes the traits he is looking for in His followers. These traits are direct contradictions to the cultural norms and Jesus explains that to embrace them will stir up controversy and opposition. For the next several months […]

Palm Sunday

What is Really at Stake Come Passion Week?

This season is the focus and foundation of our faith. Most of the time we focus on the “what?” and “how?” of the story, but this year we will be looking at the “why?”. What is really at stake? It is far broader than just the salvation of men.

March 2019

What Are The Lessons Learned

As we close out the series on Colossians, Pastor Gareth leaves us with some main points from the series that we can build into our lives.